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Immersive interdisciplinary performance

The fog part 2 : Chiaroscuro 


   august 12th 2019     B41 at Berklee

* Chiaroscuro (Italian, meaning light-dark) is the use of strong contrasts between light and dark, usually bold contrasts affecting a whole composition.

This is a multimedia performance which creates an immersive environment with sound, visual and body movement to explore the contrast of light and dark, the duality of human nature or whole different spectrum of emotions. Three movements: 

l. Prayer of Achilles II. Silence III. Fos : The light



Joy Lee : Director/Project Leader/Composition/ Voice/ Electronics 

Leonardo Foletto : modular synth performance/ sound processing

Taylor Benson : piano

Madeline Miller : dance

Kedaar Kumar : interactive visuals with 2 screens

Neil Leonard [ Professor, Director of Berklee Interdisciplinary Art institute ] : Sax/Electronics

Society of composers 


   april 29th 2019     old south church in boston

old south church concert 


Joy Lee : Composition/ Electronics 

Leonardo Foletto : Modular synth/ Sound processing

Fryderyk Hoang Dong : piano

Electroacoustic composition "The Fog" was selected for the Society of Composers'

Old South Church concert in Boston

Peculiar Pairings : A Concert of

Unusual Instrumentations


   october 29th 2019     david friend recital hall

Electroacoustic composition "Toledo" was selected for the Society of Composers'

Peculiar paring : a concert of unusual instrumentation 


Joy Lee : Composition/ Voice/Electronics 

Fryderyk Hoang Dong : piano

Bri Tagz : Cello

modular synth concert



   december 19th 2019     david friend recital hall 


Joy Lee : Modular synth/voice processing

Cristobal Garcia Belmont : Modular synth 

Gianni Leone : interactive visuals

*Dr. Richard Boulanger [ Professor at Berklee College of Music ] : Modular synth/Processing

ambient night concert


   november 8th 2019     B41 at Berklee

Performed with custom built modular synthesizer

Sound processing from piezo contact mic 


spaced out 2019


   july 8th 2019     berk recital hall at Berklee


  the Fog, part1 : from the dark


   Mar. 11th. 2019 1140 1a berkhall

Joy Lee, an Imogen Heap Award–winning composer, electronic music producer,

and performer, presented original compositions in varied styles

to form a coherent story line about "darkness"

This is part 1 of Fog project which is an experimental way of storytelling.

The concert featured avant-garde electroacoustic compositions, electronic beats,

gothic rock, experimental free improvisations to tell the story

through combination of acoustic and electronic sound


  EDI Showcase : innovate


   oct. 30th. 2018      berklee performance center

The Electronic Production and Design Department celebrated some of Berklee’s finest student Electronic Digital Instrument (EDI) performers along with special guests Rachel Z, Thavius Beck, Dan Freeman, Moldover and dolltr!ck, The concert showcased the instrument in a wide variety 

of musical settings covering the depth of its artistic applications.

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  emotional landscape


   oct. 2nd. 2018      1140 1A Berkhall

In this recital, Joy Lee put all the emotional and brutally honest music together, consist of 

her original compositions and covers from Björk and Sarah Mclachlan, etc. 

The concert featured avant-garde electroacoustic compositions, rock, experimental free improvisations to deliver deep emotions to the audience.

electronic live performance 


   aug. 11th. 2018    fenway 22 berklee

Joy Lee performed electronic beats and ambient-electronic pop using electronic digital instruments, hardware synthesizer and voice processing

Aleaiii art festival 


   aug. 26th-28th. 2018     Naxos island, greece

Joy Lee was invited to ALEAIII Art Festival in Naxos Island, Greece and performed traditional music from Epirus in ancient Greek with Greek traditional vocal ensemble 

ambient night 


   mar. 1st. 2019      150 B41 berklee

Celtic music concert 


   may. 7th. 2018      david friend recital hall

Joy Lee premiered her original Celtic style composition "Phoenix" in the Celtic music concert at David Friend Recital Hall. Since she has a huge interest in folklore music around the globe and especially, her music has been deeply influenced by Irish and Scottish traditional music, she has studied Celtic music 3 semesters in a row with a professor,

Didi Stewart who is leading a Celtic vocal ensemble at Berklee

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 Career jam caf show apr 5th 10pm

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Apr. 5th FRI 2019 10PM

160 Berklee Caf 

In the Caf Show, she presented 3 different styles of her original electronic compositions with voice processing and electronics. 

Copyright ©2025 JOY de ROSE. All rights reserved.

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